Concept of “Kokeshi NFT Project” / “Kokeshi NFT Project”のコンセプト

Our “Kokeshi NFT Project” has two concepts.
The first is “Always with You. This concept is unique to Kokeshi, which has grown up together with many children in Japan.
Although Japan is now a rich country with a large economy, it used to be an impoverished island nation. Adults were so busy providing for their own families that they did not have time for their children. Children played make-believe games and puppet shows with the kokeshi dolls that adults brought home as souvenirs from hot spring resorts.
Kokeshi dolls, which grow up together with children, are a perfect example of the “Always with You” concept.
The second concept is to “convey Japan. The second concept is to “communicate Japan,” using kokeshi dolls, a traditional Japanese handicraft, as the NFT, and to let people know about Japanese culture, climate, history, and way of thinking through them.
As you know, Japan, which was established as an island nation long ago, has a different history from other land-locked countries. In a sense, this gave birth to a different and unique culture and climate.
This has been nurtured since ancient times and has become the basis of the Japanese people’s identity.
In the 21st century, when capitalism has swept the world, we believe that it is significant to transmit Japanese culture that “respects harmony.
Kokeshi NFT” is the embodiment of these two concepts.
Kokeshi NFT” will always be by your side, sharing your joys and sorrows…we hope it will become such an existence.
この”Kokeshi NFT Project”には2つのコンセプトがあります。
1つ目は、「Always with You(いつもあなたといっしょに)」。これは、日本の多くのこどもたちと一緒に成長してきたこけしならではのコンセプトです。
そんなこどもといっしょに成長するこけしは、まさに「Always with You(いつもあなたといっしょに)」というコンセプトにふさわしい存在です。
この2つのコンセプトを体現化したもの…それが今回発行する”Kokeshi NFT”になります。
”Kokeshi NFT”が、いつもあなたのそばにいて、喜びも悲しみも分かち合える…そんな存在になること願っています。